This week's mountain of a cake was actually a hold over from last week. Ironically,we experience a nor'easter (that’s a big *ss snow storm for you warmer climate dwellers) this snow capped master piece had to wait for better weather to make it's debut. This Alpine beauty was cooked up, at the last minute; which seems to be the rule rather than the exception with Cake of the Weeks, by a friend of the birthday girl. The theme of the party was that after 25 it all goes downhill. This hasn't been my experience, thank you very much, but it did make for an awesome cake idea!
The mountain is actually 3 tiers of cake: Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Butter Cream, Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Buttercream and Butter Cake with Vanilla Butter Cream. Once the tiers were stacked and before it was crumb coated, they were sculpted into a rugged mountain shape and S curved ski trail was carved into the face.
The cake was covered in white fondant and airbrushed with an icy blue shimmer to give the look of a snowy peak. The trees were made from gumpaste and frosted with royal icing. The flags were made from gumpaste and secured with toothpicks (or cocktail stick, if you prefer).
Our guest of honor was made of white modeling chocolate and is sculpted wearing a green, her favorite color, ski suit and unfortunately headed towards a tree.
A special birthday message was added with an edible marker and the downhill skier was delivered to her final destination. Let's hope all of her downhill battles are limited to the ski slope.
The cake was covered in white fondant and airbrushed with an icy blue shimmer to give the look of a snowy peak. The trees were made from gumpaste and frosted with royal icing. The flags were made from gumpaste and secured with toothpicks (or cocktail stick, if you prefer).
A special birthday message was added with an edible marker and the downhill skier was delivered to her final destination. Let's hope all of her downhill battles are limited to the ski slope.
Well it's bake to work for me!
Thanks for tuning in! Until Next Time...